First Look : Fahad Mustafa and Deepti Kakkar’s docu Powerless (Trailer)

Posted: February 14, 2013 by moifightclub in cinema, Documentary, Film Festival, first look, Indie
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Fahad Mustafa and Deepti Kakkar’s documentary Powerless was selected to premiere at the ongoing Berlin Film Fest. The first look of the film is out with three interesting trailers.

Powerless is set in Kanpur, a city with 15-hour power cuts, where a nimble young electrician provides robin-hood style services to the poor. Meanwhile, the first female chief of the electricity supply company is on a mission to dismantle the illegal connections, for good. The documentary recently received a grant from Sundance Institute’s Documentary Film Program and Fund.

To read the Hollywood Reporter’s review of the film, click here.

Production companies: Globalistan Films, ITVS International

Directors: Fahad Mustafa, Deepti Kakkar

Producers: Fahad Mustafa, Deepti Kakkar, Judy Tam, Leopold Koegler

Directors of photography: Maria Trieb, Amith Surendran, Fahad Mustafa

Music: Gingger Shankar

Editors: Maria Trieb, Namrata Rao

Sales Agent: Globalistan Films

No rating, 84 minutes

  1. Tulika Roy says:

    nice, excited..

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