Whats Your Raashee ?Mr. Tapan, where are you ? You saw the film ? BTW, if you are wondering who is Tapan, click here and check the comments section. (People try too hard but going by our record, we can say that we rarely go wrong. Hope its not sounding too pompous)

And now back to the topic. Call it the Titanic or Ashutosh Gowariker’s Aag, What’s Your Raashee is finally out. Am wondering if  Gowariker has checked his raashee predictions for the day! Because its going to be a long day of only bad news, or reviews!

Yesterday we put out a post on the film and placed our bets. Lets see if we got it right or not. 

The film is directed by Ashutosh Gowariker, produced by UTV, stars Harman Baweja, Priyanka Chopra and has music by Sohail Sen.

Anupama Chopra (NDTV) – Ashutosh Gowarikar is a fine filmmaker who has consistently strived to stretch the boundaries of mainstream Hindi cinema – recall the Oscar nominated Lagaan or the less successful but thought-provoking Swades. What’s Your Rashee is a gargantuan misstep. See it if you must – 1.5/5

Taran Adarsh (Indiafm) – On the whole, What’s Your Raashee ? is a king-sized disappointment – 1.5/5

Sukanya Varma (Rediff) – And boy, what a lady! Priyanka Chopra transforms into 12 new skins with astonishing distinction, voice and spirit. The actress reinvents herself into this unique individual every single time ranging from batty, bashful and boisterous. This is simply her show. If only it weren’t three and a half hours long – 2/5

Rajeev Masand (CNN IBN) – There is no easy way to say this. Ashutosh Gowariker’s What’s Your Raashee? is an excruciatingly painful film to watch. For the most part humorless and misguided, the film lumbers along for an unforgivable three-hours-and-thirty minutes, during which even the most patient viewers might contemplate suicide – 1.5/5

Gaurav Malani (Indiatimes)The mystery on who will Yogesh marry in the end doesn’t hold much thrill as he himself isn’t certain of his choice. He is confused with most options open till the end. The viewer is exhausted for the exit door is still closed – 2/5

Avijit Ghosh (TOI) – Size matters. A less-than-ruthless editor could have easily trimmed What’s Your Raashee by 45 minutes without compromising on its soul. Gowariker seems to have fallen in love with his own work. Too bad, his indulgence prevents the audience from doing the same – 3/5

Suranjana Nandy (Buzz18) – It’s too long. Too inane. And at times, very boring. Buy the DVD, in parts if possible but there’s no way you can sit through it in the theatre – 2/5

Kaveree Bamzai (India Today) – What we have is a boring long epic, with 12 Priyankas, 14 songs and a host of minor characters whom no one particularly cares about – 2/5

Khalid Mohamed (Aslibaat) – it’s too darn lengthy at three hours-24-minutes which actually seem like 300 hours-240 minutes. Or an eternity which called for two intermissions. Mera Naam Boredom anyone? – 1/5

Minty Tejpal (Mumbai Mirror) – Alarmingly, there is no depiction or debate about the crucial in between act – sex, and this in the land of Kamasutra. Now that our divorce rates are spiralling, sexual crime is getting more regular and perverse, isn’t it time we grew up and addressed that little point also? After all, we are a hundred billion strong, so we must have done something to get there – 1/5

On an average, its 1.5-2 for Whats Your Raashee. Its a mixed feeling at the end of the day. Happy that we predicted the direction in which it was going and we are spot on. Sad because we are yet not sure what is Gowariker smoking these days! Can anyone enlighten us ?

  1. Sachin says:

    Wow.. links for all reviews in a single page.. Nice.. Keep it up.. This saves lot of time for me from my slow internet connection.. I wil try to recommend this site to all of my frnds..

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