Archive for the ‘etc’ Category

Two nights in a row I read news of people I loved and admired re-admitted to hospital because their debilitating disease desired so. Two nights in a row I went to sleep asking and avoiding the terrible question, what if…? Two nights in a row I did not know I would wake up to the ‘what if’ coming true. They are stars, after all, they will be fine. And ultimately everyone has to die, they will too, but not now, not like this, I kept telling myself. But they did. I just didn’t know it would feel like this, so personal even words are saying I will give into the moment and stay silent.

Irrfan was my present, Rishi was my past, not everyone has such a glorious history; only those who share it will know. Between them they encompassed the art and commerce of the mostly silly Bollywood which both simply elevated by their sheer presence. Or even a smile. Where do I go look for them now?


The last time I felt this unnervingly devastated wasn’t yesterday, when I heard about Irrfan. The shared pain on my echo chamber of social media was so loud and deep, it somehow put my pain in convalescence. Irrfan was our present, how dare they take him away, everyone was screaming in unison. Even the ones who are generally rational and stoic about these matters. It was too deeply personal for everyone including myself, his leaving us, but in that collective heartbreak I found some solace to tide over the very, very unfair blow life and death had thrown at me, at all of us.

But with Rishi it feels like a family member has gone away and I am sitting and weeping away unable to wrap my head around what the hell is so devastating about this. The last time I felt this unnervingly devastated without understanding why was when Rajesh Khanna left us. I wasn’t even an ardent fan, just really liked him in everything he had done pre-80’s, everything that I keep hanging onto till date. I wrote about it here. I was mourning an entire era and my childhood he took away with him, making the present unrecognisable. I am sitting and mourning that again as Rishi takes away with him whatever was left of it.

But why am I weeping like a family member has passed on, Chintuji would you know? You, who with that chocolate boy innocence and lover-boy impishness never let me stay depressed for long? All I had to do was play one of your songs, mostly with RD and sing along ‘Hoga tumse pyaara kaun’ as though I meant it for you. I didn’t tell anyone but I did. You, whose manic energy uplifted everything and everyone around you in whatever dismal setting of a film you were placed in? It didn’t matter, your settings, coz whenever you were on screen it was like, ‘tere chehre se nazar nahi hathti nazare hum kya dekhe?’ You, who were so criminally under-rated despite coming from the First Family of Bollywood and being its best lover boy onscreen? When he received a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2008 for 25 yrs in the industry, I learnt the last Filmfare he received was in 1974, for his debut Bobby. That is how criminally under-rated he was and I decided to love him a little more from my end even though by then he was a pudgier version of himself, not the perfect lover boy Rishi of my dreams, but still with the same charisma, same charm, same exuberance, same enthusiasm for life.


The most attractive thing about Rishi Kapoor was not his smile, or looks, it was his enthusiasm for life that showed through in every performance. It was infectious, like how. Perhaps, that’s why when depressed all I cared to do was put on one of his songs with Neetu that RD had strung together, and live off that enthusiasm vicariously. Ek main aur ek tu, dono mile is tarah, ke he invariably put life back into my soul that was ready to give up. I still have those songs to go back to but I don’t have you anymore Rishi, and right now I am at a sheer loss what to do about that…

He was the only Bollywood celebrity I followed on Twitter for a long time, not even SRK. Twitter is such an extension of Bollywood PR it is really boring to keep buying those lies even our celebs themselves are not convinced about. But not Rishi, he was real. Fuck, he was real even in that jungle called Twitter and unabashedly so. Taking in all the hate and disdain with the same love he accepted our love. And that infectious enthusiasm for life. ‘I am ready to get back to acting,’ didn’t he say as soon as he was back from that 11-month long stint of treatment abroad? Where do I look for him now?

He was so, so, so good in his second innings. Sometimes, I thought, even better than in his prime. Perhaps, it was about the roles he got and the sincerity with which he performed them. And the accolades kept coming in, finally Filmfare was recognising him too. And he had so much more to give, and I was hungry to take. From the refreshingly honest portrayal of a Bollywood producer in Luck, by chance, to that loud, hammy, vile antagonist of Agneepath, to the cute, vulnerable, authentically middle-class father and husband of Do Dooni Chaar and more, he simply seemed to be this fountainhead of performance that kept giving. Put him in any role and all you had to say at the end of it was, waah, Chintuji, waah! With all heart and smiles. Who will I say that to now?

I feel extremely silly, and adolescent and naïve banging away at my keyboard trying to understand from where is this despair arising. The first time I felt it was with Shammi Kapoor and I have never been able to hear the Rockstar tune he performed without flinching ever since. Next was when Devsaab left us, the man we thought would go on and on living (and making films) even after we stop. He was my first love, I wrote about him here. Then Rajesh Khanna, then Shashi – that other breathtakingly beautiful Kapoor only comparable with his nephew Rishi. And then there was Sri…never mind. She was a piece of all our hearts. Sometimes, I think I will never accept she isn’t around anymore, I don’t, I won’t, I can’t.

Just like their films, and their eras they evaporated, taking with them everything that was special about growing up even in the dead, dank 80’s. And I am left screaming at the heavens at the injustice of it all. It was only films, after all, some would say. They were mere actors, others would say. They were only dream sellers and tricksters of your imagination, many would say. Yes, but then why did they stick so close to reality? Why did they inform life so dearly like it depended on them and their smiles, their styles, their guiles? If they were only dreams, is this how dreams always end? Taking away all those parts of your childhood that you thought would live on despite yourself?

But then, as you find out, they don’t. Those parts go where your beloved heroes and heroines go. And perhaps, it is better that way, they were meant to be together, they will be safe. As for us, who have been left behind, without our pasts and without all those who kept the past breathing long after it was gone, ‘we will always have Paris’. Long live, Irrfan, long live Rishi, and long live all the heroes and heroines taken away from us. I feel more anger than love right now, but as they say, anger is nothing but love that has no place to go so here is hoping all of them are feeling the love wanting to reach them. I have fused my past, my childhood, various parts of my identity and some of my best memories with you and sent them along to keep you safe and remind you that you will be loved always.

And that you will live forever. Wherever you go, we will always have Paris. I will meet you there.

Fatema Kagalwala


When the Finance Minister (who also happens to be the current I&B minister) announced that FTII (Film And Television Institute Of India) will be made into an ‘Institute of National Importance’, Students hoped that concrete and substantial measures will be taken to grant more autonomy to the Institute and upgrade academic and physical infrastructure. The first step in that direction would have been to appoint a Chairman of highest artistic attitude, one whose values are in sync with the vision and ethos of the Institute. Instead, bypassing all academic and Institute requirements, the ministry has appointed Mr Gajendra Chauhan who lacks academic, administrative and artistic credentials in the field of Art and Film education. He has no significant contribution/ work to even qualify as a footnote or a passing reference in the history of Indian cinema and television.

Some of the eminent personalities who have been FTII chairman in the past includes Mrinal Sen, Adoor Gopalakrishnan , Shyam Benegal, U.R Anantha Murty, Saeed Akthar Mirza and many more. These people have been either Alumni of FTII or have had experience in serious Film practice or other Art forms. Their experience in their chosen field of work has brought in a vision to the functioning of FTII. This decision of the Ministry to appoint Mr. Chauhan is not only undesired but also brings the whole process of appointment into question. FTII is a premier institute respected throughout the world for producing internationally reputed Film makers, Film Academicians and Independent Artists. We the students of FTII believe that such an appointment will not only undermine the relevance of the post but also set a wrong precedence for the future. We must never forget that FTII is a cultural hub that provides film education to students of different socioeconomic backgrounds from different parts of the country.

It is extremely sad that the government rather than enhancing the stature of many premiere institutes of the country has constantly tried to undermine the autonomy of these institutes by appointing partisan people with no merit. We see this decision in the light of continuing policies of the government to curb voices of all liberal and progressive art Institutions.

Unlike NFDC and CBFC where government has also meddled with the appointments, FTII is not going to take the bait. We strongly condemn the appointment of the new Chairman. We propose to the ministry to reconsider its appointment and also relook at the process of constituting the FTII society and its members.

Until further clarity surfaces from the I&B Ministry, we continue to standby our demands and mark our protest with a call for a strike.

We request all concerned citizens, artists, writers, performers, film makers, activists and alumnus of FTII to take notice and support our cause.

Harishankar Nachimuthu
Students’ Association, FTII,


The Dirty Picture is one of the most talked about films of the year. Though it got mixed response from critics, the box office numbers are producers’ delight. Interestingly, there are two women who are credited for the film. Vidya Balan and Ekta Kapoor – one who shed all inhibitions for the role and the other who decided to back the film.

As some of us were discussing the film, we wondered if The Dirty Picture pass the well-known Bechdel Test. It’s a litmus test for female presence in movies, tv and other pop culture stuff. In order to pass the Bechdel Test, you have to find out the answer to these three questions.

1. Are there two or more women characters with names?

2. Do the women characters talk to each other?

3. And do the women talk to each other about something other than a man?

Click on the play button to check out the video and you will be surprised to know that most Hollywood films don’t pass the test.

To quote from the official page, The Bechdel Test is a simple way to gauge the active presence of female characters in Hollywood films and just how well rounded and complete those roles are. It was created by Allison Bechdel in her comic strip Dykes to Watch Out For in 1985. It is astonishing the number of popular movies that can’t pass this simple test. It demonstrates how little women’s complex and interesting lives are underrepresented or non existent in the film industry.

We are bit confused if The Dirty Picture passes the test or not. Silk and Ammaji talk but Ammaji doesn’t have a name, right? Do leave your comments in the comment box.  But most importantly, how many bollywood films of 2011 can pass the Bechdel test? Let’s try.


Posted: January 11, 2011 by moifightclub in etc, life, Special
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This was suppose to be a private conversation. Screenwriter & lyricist Varun Grover wrote something for Pavan Jha and mailed it to few of us. Loved it, and think am good in convincing (or call it threatening) people, and so, putting it as a post here. By the way, if you know Pavan Jha, you will get the context. And if you don’t know him, then you must. For everything thats hindi film music, Pavan knows it all. He also run the website, and as friend once joked, if it’s a quiz on Gulzar, may be he wouldn’t know all the answers but Pavan will.

पवन जी के जन्मदिन पर, एक छोटी सी कोशिश…

जब कोई गीत बन रहा होगा,
किसी स्टूडियो में, १९५० के आस-पास,
(जहाँ नौशाद साब होंगे माँझा पकड़े, और रफ़ी साब पतंग उड़ा रहे होंगे)

या उसके २० साल बाद भी,
(पंचम और गुलज़ार शीशे के इस पार बैठे, आशा जी और ‘शीशे में आशा जी की
परछाई’ को साथ साथ देखते)
उसे नहीं पता होगा आके जुड़ेगा एक दिन,
वो एक ऐसे खजाने में,
जहाँ उसके साथ होंगे, कई और स्टूडियो,
कई और साज़ और उन्हें बजाने वाले,
कई नामी, कई गुमनाम,

और साथ होंगे,
कई किस्से, उनके बनने के, खोने के, फिर मिल जाने के,
उनके बनाने वालों के, पागलपने के,
किसी तूफानी रात में, किसी शहर की सड़क पर, कोने में,
उनके चुपचाप पड़े पाए जाने के,
जनमने के, दफनाते दफनाते बचा लिए जाने के,

आप पवन जी हैं वो जगह,
जैसे एक पूरा नया देश…या एक सराय..
सिर्फ अलग-अलग स्टूडियो से निकले,
दुनिया घूम कर आये गीतों की…

कई बरस बज कर, थक कर,
उनके आराम करने का मुसाफिरखाना,
जहाँ हर गीत, भले ही वो पूरी बाजू वाला हो,
या थोड़ा सा लंगड़ा,
बेधड़क आता है…

बैठता है, सुस्ताता है,
मुसाफिरखाने के बाकी राहगीरों से बतियाता है,
या खुद ही खुद में, शौकिया, गुनगुनाता है…

कह नहीं सकते, कितने गीत हैं,
जो आजतक मुसाफिरखाने से गुज़रे हैं,
किसी ने गिना नहीं आज तक,
लेकिन ये तय है कि,
हर गीत हिंदुस्तान का,
गुज़रा ज़रूर है.

आपकी खातिरदारी से, पवन जी.


This time POTD is not Pic Of The Day but its PICK Of The Day. Take a closer look at both the pics and pick the odd wig man out! Both the pics are from the music release function of Rajinikanth & Aishwarya Rai starrer Robot (Endhiran).

And if you think its a futile exercise, click here. Its even made to page. So, don’t put the blame on us. We have never been able to understand the reason though. And he is so desperate that even when he is being taken to the hospital on a stretcher bed, he doesn’t forget to cover it. Scroll down and  take a closer look at the pic….aha, the hand!

Dear Boss, you can do everything. Can you please crack this puzzle ?

Moving to Junior B. The kid who is tweeting for his new film Khelein Hum Jee Jaan Sey should be immediately banned from Twitterverse. Why ? Check out this timeline. They did 24 hours countdown to reveal a new KHJJS pic of Junior B. Here is another puzzle…tell us whats so special about this pic ?

Their answer – Its part one of our independence Day surprise.

Our answer – Please take back our independence if this is the surprise!

Who woke up so late ? And for what joy ? But if you are a Karisma Kapoor fan, check it out.  Its one big fat bollywood wedding…from mehendi to reception, it got all. And you can spot almost every Kapoor at one place with some priceless bollywood songs in the background. Who did the edit ? Please take your credit!

Do check out the last (7th ) video for some impromptu singing by Nitin Mukesh and others.

POTD : James Cameron in Na’vi avatar!

Posted: April 14, 2010 by moifightclub in etc, Hollywood, life, News, pics, POTD
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And its all for a good cause! Check it out.

It feels great to know that its not for the movie’s promotion. He is protesting against the construction of a massive dam in the middle of Amazon rainforest. Click here to read the full story.

In Bollywood, every cause comes with a new film release. Post-RDB, we know nothing about Aamir Khan’s take on Narmada Bachao Andolan. And bet with Peepli Live, we will be back to give us gyaan on farmers’ suicide. As the master wrote…Aife aife kaife kaife!

Pic courtesy – Amazon Watch.

And here is the proof! Our good friend Deepak is 4th Idiot!

taxiFrom Lower Parel station, my office is at walking distance. But most of us prefer to take cabs. And with ever growing number of offices in this area, its becoming more difficult to get a cab. The shorter the distance, the bigger is the problem. During morning hours, its almost impossible. And if you manage one, you should know that its your lucky day. 

I felt lucky yesterday. Came out of the station, a taxi stopped closed by. I asked, he noded. The man must be in his early 50’s. On the way to office, I saw him staring at me twice, through the mirror, as I was on the phone. Five minutes travel and I was near my office entrance. As I handed the minimum fare of fourteen rupees to the cabbie, he immediately asked me “Saab yeah part-time aur full-time MBA me bahut fark hai kya ?”

I took a moment to realise what was he talking. Having done lot of unwanted career counselling I wasnt new to it but it was all of a sudden. 

I explained him the difference and opened the door to get down. He took the money, looked at it  and again turned back towards me.

Yeh MBA accha hai ya MCA ?

I was just about to get down. Stopped. The man sounded genuinely interested. Tried to tell him that both courses are good, it all depends on the person who is doing it, and from the institute where you are pursuing it. He informed me that “beta toh chalak hi hai…..tez hai……IT me BSc kiya hai….pehle bol raha tha MCA karega. Phir kuch din se bol raha hai ki Papa MBA hi accha hoga”.  


College days. Career choice. Confusions. Now I have realised that most of us always make the right career choice at second take. Some make it happen, some wait for it to happen and others die with the first one. First career choice depends on lot of external factors, and most importantly the environment you are in. Second career choice – you have seen the world, you know the world. You know what you like. And what you really like.


I tried to pass on my maha-gyaan to him, though am struggling to move to my second career choice these days. Oops its third. Or fourth. Not sure, may be fifth. Once I wanted to be a mason because it feels superb to see the way cement settles down and becomes so strong.

Aapke bete ka dil jisme lage, wahi karne ko boliye. Force mat kiziye. 

Yeh Khalsa College accha hai ?

I plead ignorance as am not sure about the college and the course. Told him that I havent studied here. He smiled.

Aap kahan se hain ?


Main bhi Benaras se hoon. Accha shukriya.


Office room. Lot of people glued to tv sets. Swearing in ceremony. Raj Thackeray’s goondas (and one of them is Golden Goonda. He always wears 2.5kg gold) wants Abu Azmi to speak Marathi. And the rest we all know.

Today Shiv Sena tried to reclaim lost ground by attacking Abu Azmi and warned him against making any remarks on Bal Thackeray.

Thats the difference between the real and the fake issue. Its as simple. Not sure whom they are making idiots and will continue this for how long. As for the game, well we all know the tricks. Real issues. Politics. Real estate. Money. The ruling party will not do anything concrete. Because as long as MNS is there, votes will get divided and they will be in power. They are even funding MNS to some extent. Its the kind of politics what they call “fake right, go left”. Though here there is no left or right. Its the so called marathi pride of the marathi manoos. Aha..the word “manoos” has such a human face, calming effect to it. But with a “marathi” prefix, all I can see is colour violent!

And in this situation, where is the solution ? Its better to think about your MBA or MCA, leave the marathi pride and everything marathi to the people with myopic view of the world. They have even given a marathi spin to the national anthem. If you go to any of the Cinemax theatres, you will notice that the national anthem video that they play before the film starts, has only marathi actors. All in white starched kurtas and sarees. Quite ironic to the concept of “national”.

Whats next ? Only Maharashtrian dogs who can bark in marathi ? 

PrinceWhat else do you expect if its a Vivek Oberoi film. Its got to be the ROFLOL title of the year! WTF is ITS  SHOWTIME! And Prince!! Kahan ka bhai ? Kidhar hai mere laal ? And if thats not enough, check out what the producer of the film Tips have been upto!

Here’s a video uploaded by the makers of the film that gives us audience reaction to the trailer/promo/first look of the film, and if they are going to watch the film or not, based on what they saw!

We are ROFLOL watching this video. Why ? Read on.

1. Who edited the video ? Why do we need to hear the invisible man’s voice some 50 times asking the same question – what do you think of the trailer ? Just once and it would have been perfectly fine. Then put all the answers together.Its simple.

2. Do check out the way the invisible man asks the second question, in authoritative voice – So, you are going to watch the film, for sure ?

He doesnt look for options. He doesnt ask the question – Are you going to watch the film ? He already knows the answer. He is just re-confirming it. And he adds “for sure” too.

3. And where is the promo ? What trailer have they seen that has impressed them so much! Except one, there is no more bad, or even not-so-good reaction.

4. Why is the voice so concerned about asking who the producer of the film is ? Brand recall ? We seriously doubt. Or is it because Tauranijis would sign the cheques and they would love to hear their names. And from what we know about them, they surely love their name and face on every possible place!

5. If its about making the right buzz by getting audience’s reaction, then check out how the Paranormal Activity guys used the test screening for their promo. The film made on 15,000$ has made close to 100 million$! As the rulebook says, show it, dont say it!

Yes, we are waking up to Hollywood’s mantra of test screenings and all that jazz. But its still what we want to hear. The last film which got fantabulous response at test screenings was Imran Khan’s Luck. And we all know the result. Well, we said and wrote much more just by reading the script. And even put out an open bet, its all here. So, Dear Mr Filmmaker, do mail us the script if you really want some honest feedback ? We are not in any entourage party!

Also, the problem is we dont get the right feedback from the viewers always as there is a sense of gratitude for making you the chosen one to have a sneak peek. There is always sugar coating as nobody wants to say it as it is. Much like what happens at a premiere of any film. Nobody hates the film, everyone congratulates the director and every member of the film is made to feel that its the best that they have done. Once out of the theatre, the smses starts.