Posts Tagged ‘blog’

Two nights in a row I read news of people I loved and admired re-admitted to hospital because their debilitating disease desired so. Two nights in a row I went to sleep asking and avoiding the terrible question, what if…? Two nights in a row I did not know I would wake up to the ‘what if’ coming true. They are stars, after all, they will be fine. And ultimately everyone has to die, they will too, but not now, not like this, I kept telling myself. But they did. I just didn’t know it would feel like this, so personal even words are saying I will give into the moment and stay silent.

Irrfan was my present, Rishi was my past, not everyone has such a glorious history; only those who share it will know. Between them they encompassed the art and commerce of the mostly silly Bollywood which both simply elevated by their sheer presence. Or even a smile. Where do I go look for them now?


The last time I felt this unnervingly devastated wasn’t yesterday, when I heard about Irrfan. The shared pain on my echo chamber of social media was so loud and deep, it somehow put my pain in convalescence. Irrfan was our present, how dare they take him away, everyone was screaming in unison. Even the ones who are generally rational and stoic about these matters. It was too deeply personal for everyone including myself, his leaving us, but in that collective heartbreak I found some solace to tide over the very, very unfair blow life and death had thrown at me, at all of us.

But with Rishi it feels like a family member has gone away and I am sitting and weeping away unable to wrap my head around what the hell is so devastating about this. The last time I felt this unnervingly devastated without understanding why was when Rajesh Khanna left us. I wasn’t even an ardent fan, just really liked him in everything he had done pre-80’s, everything that I keep hanging onto till date. I wrote about it here. I was mourning an entire era and my childhood he took away with him, making the present unrecognisable. I am sitting and mourning that again as Rishi takes away with him whatever was left of it.

But why am I weeping like a family member has passed on, Chintuji would you know? You, who with that chocolate boy innocence and lover-boy impishness never let me stay depressed for long? All I had to do was play one of your songs, mostly with RD and sing along ‘Hoga tumse pyaara kaun’ as though I meant it for you. I didn’t tell anyone but I did. You, whose manic energy uplifted everything and everyone around you in whatever dismal setting of a film you were placed in? It didn’t matter, your settings, coz whenever you were on screen it was like, ‘tere chehre se nazar nahi hathti nazare hum kya dekhe?’ You, who were so criminally under-rated despite coming from the First Family of Bollywood and being its best lover boy onscreen? When he received a Lifetime Achievement Award in 2008 for 25 yrs in the industry, I learnt the last Filmfare he received was in 1974, for his debut Bobby. That is how criminally under-rated he was and I decided to love him a little more from my end even though by then he was a pudgier version of himself, not the perfect lover boy Rishi of my dreams, but still with the same charisma, same charm, same exuberance, same enthusiasm for life.


The most attractive thing about Rishi Kapoor was not his smile, or looks, it was his enthusiasm for life that showed through in every performance. It was infectious, like how. Perhaps, that’s why when depressed all I cared to do was put on one of his songs with Neetu that RD had strung together, and live off that enthusiasm vicariously. Ek main aur ek tu, dono mile is tarah, ke he invariably put life back into my soul that was ready to give up. I still have those songs to go back to but I don’t have you anymore Rishi, and right now I am at a sheer loss what to do about that…

He was the only Bollywood celebrity I followed on Twitter for a long time, not even SRK. Twitter is such an extension of Bollywood PR it is really boring to keep buying those lies even our celebs themselves are not convinced about. But not Rishi, he was real. Fuck, he was real even in that jungle called Twitter and unabashedly so. Taking in all the hate and disdain with the same love he accepted our love. And that infectious enthusiasm for life. ‘I am ready to get back to acting,’ didn’t he say as soon as he was back from that 11-month long stint of treatment abroad? Where do I look for him now?

He was so, so, so good in his second innings. Sometimes, I thought, even better than in his prime. Perhaps, it was about the roles he got and the sincerity with which he performed them. And the accolades kept coming in, finally Filmfare was recognising him too. And he had so much more to give, and I was hungry to take. From the refreshingly honest portrayal of a Bollywood producer in Luck, by chance, to that loud, hammy, vile antagonist of Agneepath, to the cute, vulnerable, authentically middle-class father and husband of Do Dooni Chaar and more, he simply seemed to be this fountainhead of performance that kept giving. Put him in any role and all you had to say at the end of it was, waah, Chintuji, waah! With all heart and smiles. Who will I say that to now?

I feel extremely silly, and adolescent and naïve banging away at my keyboard trying to understand from where is this despair arising. The first time I felt it was with Shammi Kapoor and I have never been able to hear the Rockstar tune he performed without flinching ever since. Next was when Devsaab left us, the man we thought would go on and on living (and making films) even after we stop. He was my first love, I wrote about him here. Then Rajesh Khanna, then Shashi – that other breathtakingly beautiful Kapoor only comparable with his nephew Rishi. And then there was Sri…never mind. She was a piece of all our hearts. Sometimes, I think I will never accept she isn’t around anymore, I don’t, I won’t, I can’t.

Just like their films, and their eras they evaporated, taking with them everything that was special about growing up even in the dead, dank 80’s. And I am left screaming at the heavens at the injustice of it all. It was only films, after all, some would say. They were mere actors, others would say. They were only dream sellers and tricksters of your imagination, many would say. Yes, but then why did they stick so close to reality? Why did they inform life so dearly like it depended on them and their smiles, their styles, their guiles? If they were only dreams, is this how dreams always end? Taking away all those parts of your childhood that you thought would live on despite yourself?

But then, as you find out, they don’t. Those parts go where your beloved heroes and heroines go. And perhaps, it is better that way, they were meant to be together, they will be safe. As for us, who have been left behind, without our pasts and without all those who kept the past breathing long after it was gone, ‘we will always have Paris’. Long live, Irrfan, long live Rishi, and long live all the heroes and heroines taken away from us. I feel more anger than love right now, but as they say, anger is nothing but love that has no place to go so here is hoping all of them are feeling the love wanting to reach them. I have fused my past, my childhood, various parts of my identity and some of my best memories with you and sent them along to keep you safe and remind you that you will be loved always.

And that you will live forever. Wherever you go, we will always have Paris. I will meet you there.

Fatema Kagalwala

25th December (Friday) – This is how it started (see the pic). Chetan Bhagat and his book is not mentioned in the opening credits of the film 3 Idiots. In the closing credit, it comes quite late. 

27th December (Sunday) – In an interview to Hindustan Times, Chetan says that it feels strange. Click here to read the full interview.

29th December (Tuesday) –  Vidhu Vinod Chopra and Aamir Khan accused Chetan Bhagat of being publicity hungry at a press conference in Bangalore. And then this is what happened. Check out the video.

Vodpod videos no longer available.

more about “Author Chetan Bhagat, team 3 Idiots t…“, posted with vodpod

December 31st (Thursday) – Chetan Bhagat wrote a post on his blog titled A book, a film and the truth and explained his stand on the credit controversy. Click here to read the post.

1st January (Friday) – Vidhu Vinod Chopra started the year with a bang. Shut Up! Today at a presser in Delhi, Vidhu Vinod Chopra lost his cool and went insane when asked about Chetan Bhagat’s claims. Check out the video.

And here is more….

September 9, 2009Here is the link to an interview where RajKumar Hirani said that the film is only 5 percent similar to the book.

 How true are you keeping 3 Idiots to the book by Chetan Bhagat Five Point Someone?

3 Idiots is inspired from the book but it is completely different. I would say just five per cent of it is the same. Books and films are different. So the moment you decide to pick up a book and make a film as it is, it will be a disaster. It’s a nice book, but it’s anecdotal and films can’t be anecdotal. It has to have a story. The reason I mention this is because people should not go to the theatre thinking, we are going to watch Five Point Someone and later find out that it’s a completely different film.

Chetan Bhagat is also not exactly holier-than-thou. He said that he never read the script or may be, just the first draft. But check out this video (thnx for the tip Mohammad Moizuddin), at 5:30, Chetan saying that Raju narrated the full script to him, 2-3 times.

We havent read the book. But those who have, said its easily more than 5-10 percent. And if thats the case, then Chetan surely deserves better place in the credit. Watch any film which is based on any book, its always mentioned in the opening credits. And if the similarity is beyond the set up and the one liner pitch, Chetan also deserves a story credit.

Whats surprising is that in the centre of it is Vidhu Vinod Chopra. The man who doesnt leave any small credit. Remember the song bande me tha dum in Munnabhai MBBS. If we are not wrong, Vidhu Vinod Chopra suggested one or two lines of the song, to be exact, just the phrase bande me that dum! Rest was all written by Swanand Kirkire. But check out anywhere, Vidhu Vinod Chopra is credited everywhere for those few words. He made sure that he is credited.

At the Apsara Awards that year, when the song was nominated and only Swanand’s name was mentioned in the nomination list, VVC was shouting from rooftop for getting his name in the credit list. Yeh to poori kahani hai Sirji!

We love the filmmaker because he is insanely passionate about films and has discovered some great talent. He is the only producer who shares profit with his cast and crew. Abhijaat Joshi was paid Rs 1 crore after the sucess of Lage Raho Munnabhai. A writer getting a crore in this country ?? Thats Ripley’s Believe It Or Not. But thats VVC!

But the man is equally pompous and loud and loves talking about only his films. Its difficult to say why he did this to Chetan Bhagat, whose PR guys are always on overdrive to the point of irritation. But sadly this time, the man seems to be on the right side. And to read the contract between Vidhu Vinod Chopra and Chetan Bhagat, click and scroll down to the bottom of the page.

And isnt it a great irony! The film which told us that ranks, grades and marks are not everything, their makers are fighting over the credit! Wow! Strange are the ways of bollywood. And you, Mr RajKumar Hirani, where do you stand ?

Surprise! surprise! Someone has suddenly found a new love. Till yesterday he had a favourite hobby and every night before going to bed, he used to spare time and space for it. Just go to his blog and you can read all those lovely words dedicated to the hobby called media-bashing. Even the film Paa wasnt spared, though there was no sense to it.

Now that his home production Paa has managed to get some good reviews and making money at the box office, he has mailed love letters to media persons working in various newspapers, magazines, channels and portals, thanking them for their support and appreciation. All signed by him. Guess what happened to that good old hobby!!??? Though we cant reveal the person’s name but a good soul mailed us a copy of the letter. Have a look.

If you cant read the text of the letter, it says….

My Dear XXX,

I am writing to express my deepest gratitude towards you and your prestigious XXX for giving our film “PAA” support and appreciation.

The magnanimous affection demonstrated by the media has been most overwhelming. Our company and we wish to express our gratitude for this kind gesture.

                                                                     With warm regards

                                                                     Amitabh Bachchan

                                                                    Abhishek Bachchan 

Not very very long ago, the same Amitabh Bachchan wrote these lines on his blog…

You mention in your article under reference that I should not forget that the media has had a distinct hand in my stardom. Ho ! Ho Ho ! … now we are all laughing !

Firstly, I have never ever accepted or believed in this media created epithet of stardom or any other ‘dom’. And secondly, for 18 years under the ban of the media, Amitabh Bachchan ‘the actor’ that you admire, had his most successful run at the box office.  So get off your high horse and smell the dung. Media will be incapable of making or breaking an actor. Only the masses have that strength and you are still very far away from that criteria.

You can read the full post here. This was in reply to Abhijit Mazumder’s column in Mid-day.

Dear Mr Bachchan,

What happened ? Is the letter a mistake ? Why this change in stand suddenly ? Or is this a fake love letter ? An actor of your calibre surely knows how to fake it, and fake it well.


BTW, Big B’s next release Rann directed by Ram Gopal Varma also promises to expose the media. The remote controlled country! And he is the same actor who created that Patna based stupid monster SKJ, whose claim to fame is false reports, a mention by Bachchan on his show Kaun Banega Crorepati and Sonu Nigam! Talk about corrupting the media. Ho Ho Ho…now we are all laughing!

Amitabh BachchanOne is growing insane with every passing day. Blame it on old age! The other is nasty and mean like any other tabloid. Whom to trust, thats difficult to judge, but we are loving it!

To celebrate Amitabh Bachchan’s birthday, Mid Day’s editor Abhijit Majumder did an interview with him and it was carried as the cover story on Sunday Mid Day (Oct 11). As expected, Bachchan’s interview was boring as always. Who’s the best director you’ve worked with? All. What are your favourite Bachchan films? Very, very tough. I like different films from my different phases. Women the world over have chased you. Have you chased any woman? No. And I don’t believe women chase me. Well, I did chase my wife and married her. Of all your female leads, was Rekha special? They’ve all been special. But people remember Rekha and your screen chemistry. I don’t know what screen chemistry is.

Huh! Boring as hell! Nothing new, nothing interesting! Only if it were all true. You can read the full interview here. The interview might be boring but post-interview it got interesting.

Later on, Bachchan got to know that the interview was recorded on a video camera too and he wasnt told about it. Bachchan felt it was a sting operation (see the pic. courtesy Mid Day)! On his blog, he attacked Abhijit Majumder and how! To quote from his blog…..

Two days later an FmXt member draws my attention to a video clip of my interview with the paper. I am surprised to hear it because I had never expected either the paper or any one else to have posted something which I would be unaware of. I saw the interview that has been put on air through a MidDay enterprise which works as a electronic news maker and now realize why Mr Majumdar wanted a personal meeting. He had placed a small ’sting’ camera on the table in front of me, without informing me that the interview was being video taped as well. He never told me that they had a video net facility in operation and that the recorded interview would find a place there.

Mr Majumdar, you were dishonest with me ! You insisted on a one to one interview not because you were being deprived of the opportunity of your ‘first’ with me, but because you had malefide intent of recording the interview to be used as a live input on a video electronic facility medium that your paper runs. Had you told me that you were recording this for a net broadcast I would never have minded. I was doing several electronic interviews every minute and another would have not made any difference. But by lying to me, the integrity that I had associated with you as an Editor for the paper you work for, has been damaged. Your entire effort, now that I look back, in assuring me of wanting to bring in change, of giving me the impression of an upright and erudite journalist has unfortunately been destroyed by this one incident. You have proven to me, yet again, that you or your tribe cannot be trusted.

Woohoo! You can read the full post by Amitabh Bachchan here.

In today’s edition of the paper, Abhijit Majumder has issued his clarification through a column and claims that he had not only told Bachchan about it but had even asked the same to his secretary. To quote Majumder…

Either you are lying or I am. I would like to believe it is neither; it’s just your memory playing tricks at twilight.

Which is acceptable.

What is not acceptable is loosely accusing a journalist who has learnt journalism the hard way and prides in his integrity of mala fide intention, lying and suchlike. If my intention were to malign you, I wouldn’t have spent a considerable amount of my time and energy trying to build bridges with you ignoring your past rants against MiD DAY in your blog, sought an interview and played it up on the front page.

Also, your accusation that what you said was misrepresented is facile because the interview in a pretty straightforward question -and-answer format and all that you said is recorded.

Click here to read the full column by Abhijit Majumder. He has also been tweeting about it. Check .

Next, its  Bachchan’s turn! Will he respond to Majumder’s letter ? Lets see. BTW, surprisingly we cant trace the Mid-Day video interview on youtube. It was online till yesterday! Or is youtube playing hide and seek with us ? You can search for Mid-Day’s video channel on youtube here.

UPDATE (17th Oct) – On his blog, Bachchan has responded to Majumder’s open letter. And this is getting better. To quote from his blog…

Mr Majumdar you say that you ‘had mentioned that both audio and video would be recorded’. That is undiluted garbage stinking rubbish. Every sms of yours seeking my interview is saved on my mobile. Every telephone conversation that you had with my office in this regard has been recorded. And, as you have yourself accepted, every move, action and word that you spoke on the day from the moment you entered my office to the time you left, is on video tape with me. No where, and I repeat, no where have you mentioned, that you would be doing a video recording. If you say your photographer Pradeep Dhiver was there, may I also inform you that my photographer Paresh Mehta and his two assistants were also there. You are not going to beat me by throwing names. These videos can be put up on my blog at the press of a button. Wanna’ see ?

And dear Sir, its not about your ‘word versus mine’, its about your video tape versus mine. And mine says that your conscience is not ‘clear’ at all. It is as densely clouded as the monsoon sky, so ironically visible on the day you came to take my interview.

If you were to look me straight in the eye and challenge me, I would not hesitate to look you straight back and justify. Put this cap of self righteous zeal over your own head and then come riding with me. I’ll whip your horse and you mine and lets see who rides the furthest and the longest.

You can read the full post here or in the comments section, as Ajay has put it there. 

AslibaatThe honeymoon is not only over but it seems it has left bitter aftertaste too! With Khalid Mohamed and so many mean bones in his body, any outing will surely get acidic! To be honest, we love his writing. Its Mean Mohamed Steet!It would be killer only if he could keep his personal agenda out of his writing! 

Now to REWIND. Vikram Bhatt & Khalid Mohamed (KM), the two came together to start after Khalid Mohamed was fired from Hindustan Times (HT). Reason – recession. cost cut down. Asli reason – Rumour is Big B pulled all the possible big strings to get KM out because he and his family was under continous attack from Madhu Mottu & Under Honey’s Hat (KM’s popular gossip column), almost everyday, in HT’s Cafe supplement.

On the other hand, Vikram Bhatt, once the next big thing, lost it and how. Delivered duds after duds, more than a dozen in a row and had stars runing far far away from him with every new release. When KM was with HT, Vikram started writing a weekly column for HT Cafe. Wrote some great cover stories too, on the weird ways of the place called Bollywood. Unlike others, completely candid and unpretentious! Loved it! But when KM was sacked, VB was also out.

With going on track, VB was suppose to produce KM’s next film titled Rutba, based on the story of his stepbrother Hukam Singh. But because of some differences, both decided to go separate ways. Now KM is out of aslibaat also.

KM went back to where he had started a blog diary sometime back. In the post titled Question of my Rutba, he wrote….

Towards the end of last year, there came an opportunity to finally narrate the Hukam Singh story as a film. The script was demanding, many of its scenes like confessionals to a church father. I was satisfied with the result, my producer Vikram Bhatt wasn’t. He rightly pointed out that it was far too internalised. I agreed. After four more drafts, both he and I were gung-ho. We had done it.

Then it came to the casting, the music, the basic essentials. That was on. Then there were snafus which are often inevitable in the process of filmmaking. Rutba was ‘routed’ as Mid-day put it, the intro said that the film had been shelved.

You can read the full post here. And reacting to the reports in media, Vikram Bhatt wrote on his blog….

Also in today’s newspaper Khalid Mohamed says that he is not making ‘Rutba’ for my company because he is tired of waiting for the film to start and that I was interfering in the script and the music of his film. I can only laugh at that comment and luckily I said nothing in response but what I did not say was that I was the only one in the entire film industry who was willing to make a film with him and with me gone Khalid Mohamed has lost his last chance to make a film. I feel really sad for him and the person that he his and would wish for him to find peace and happiness that eludes him. He says that he was the one who opted out of making the film; I will grant him that last scrap of self-respect that he is clamoring for with that statement though I have his e-mails that say quite another story. Let it be.

Cant find the full post by Vikram but the interesting bit is quoted here. BTW, VB was referring to this report in Mid-day.

Now Vikram Bhatt plans to continues his aslibaat without KM and KM has started a new blog. The link is

No, we are not joking. Take a look at the pics!



The two pics are from Ram Gopal Varma’s new blogpost on Bruce Lee, martial arts, philosophy and lil bit of Ramuism. To read the complete post, click here.

You can trust him to do anything! Ram Gopal Varma or Ramu, he swings better than any pendulam ever made on this earth. From one extreme to other. How ? Nobody knows the answer and we dont think we will ever find an answer. A new promotional music video of Agyaat is out and Ramu has posted it on his blog. Its called the jungle song. We think its the ROFL video of the season. We have put the video here, check it out.

Dear Ramu,

Enough of school girls in skimpy clothes! How much of desperately-trying-hard-to-be oriental porn can we handle ? Huh. Bored.


And talking of Jungle, remember that killer song from Ramu’s another Jungle…patli kamar…teerchi nazar….jaane de na julmi mere pyaar udhar hai. Impossible to believe that its the same Ramu! Now check out this video.

Copy of aladin amitabh new-1…he rambles on and on and on. Signs of being senile ?

Those of you who follow Buddha B, oops, Big B’s blog, you know what we are talking and those who don’t, read on. Mid-day, the Mumbai based tabloid is known for giving finger-fucks to celebrities and they make sure that they give their best. And their latest love is Amitabh Bachchan.

Recently Mid-day’s Tushar Joshi did a story on Amitabh Bachchan, how he doesnt practice what he preaches. He supports going green but drive in SUVs, the gas guzzlers. You can read the full story here. Phir kya tha ?

The finger-fuck did the trick, Bachchan went on a rampage on his blog and came up with the lamest reply through a blogpost. He attacked the reporter (Tushar Joshi), Entertainment Editor of the tabloid (Sarita Tanwar) and rambled non-stop without making any sense. And even took digs at Karan Johar. Here are some gems from his post…

I am aware that my acumen in keeping the press happy and co operative is abysmal. I am not generous enough in entertaining them to either media jaunts to out of town activities, especially those in foreign lands, and neither do I have the required savvy to invite them to social gatherings and parties like a Karan Johar does for his birthday to Sarita Tanwar and others of her ilk.

And his biggest lie…

If media needs to be nurtured for personal gain I would imagine it would destroy their very tenets of unbiased reporting, would it not. In keeping with that sentiment, if I have desisted, is there some error being committed on my part ?

(Can someone ask him about the pest called Subhash K Jha ? The whole world knows that Jhaji is Bachchanophile. Jhaji is the point person for Bachchan family to plant their news pieces and so he gets every exclusive news about Amitabh, Abhishek and Aishwarya Rai Bachchan. In return, he just has to keep on sucking upto the Bachchan family. ) 

BUT… dearest Sarita Tanwar of Karan Johar party invite… I have a suggestion to make. When the removal of my one such SUV will save the world from hundreds of years of existence, would it not be worth its while to extend the life of our planet even further. I mean think of your grand children to the power of infinity pushing yellow pencils for Mid Day in cyberland !! Thats an exciting proposition is it not ? Or would you rather let good ol’ smsed Tushar do the noble deed ?

And.. I say… tell this chap Tushar to stop using his mobile. Have you any idea what the radio activity each call and sms sent, creates for the environment ?It all adds up deary !! Lets start at home first, no ? So this is fixed then.. no mobile phones ok ? When you need to communicate, just walk across to AB’s house and ask him the question. What is a couple of kilometers ? Nothing ! Will help burn the calories, keep you fit.

This Maharashtra Police, I tell you, they are second to only the Scotland Yard of Britain. Right now they are smarting because of 26/11. You need to treat them with care. All of them use the Bolero SUV and the Qualis SUV. You mess with them baby, they run you over with them SUV over your chest. Think of your walking journalistic future Tushaaar !! They do not make guys like you any more !!

And some more…

No plane , no Union. Simple no ? Stop King Fisher, go meet Vijay Mallya at his pad in Goa. In Goa eh.. remember Goa ! I tell you why. The beach in front of his gorgeous palace is being eaten up with the sea coming in… because of what, Tushar, Sarita… whoever is listenning… global warming !! Go stop Jet Airways ! They are retrenching heavily. They will love you for this.

Sarita and Tushar… get rid of your mobile, your electricity, your air travel, your cars, your news paper, push yourself back to prehistoric times and show me the way to progress so that we are not referred to as a developing nation a nation that is referred to insultingly as the third world. We want to compete with the world, to bring our standards up.



Sarita, I know that you have published today a rejoinder to your yesterday’s headline, where you have tried to nullify the damage done by your previous article. But remember always if you have the right to be the keepers of society so do I. If you have the right of cynicism, so do I. If you exercise the right to pull my leg I shall pull yours as well. And every time you shall abuse me wrongly I shall rightfully correct your abuse.

Mr Bachchan, what are you eating, drinking or smoking these days ? Mid-day will be Mid-day. Why get dirty with them ?

And if you still have some patience to read the full post, click here. Don’t say that we didn’t warn you. Never before a celeb blog been so boring and nonsensical.

Is today something special ? Something to do with feeling nostalgic! First, the post on Hum Log @25 and now this one. On his new blog post, Ram Gopal Varma has put up four on location pics from his film Shiva. Take a look. And to quote Ramu, before you check out the pics…

If you promise not to laugh I am posting here some location pictures from “Shiva” which my mother dug up from an old closet.

And now check out his current avtaar. The look, the style, the attitude, the pose, ah..the dude! Gained a lot, and lost some cinema sense in exchange ? The maverick surprises us always, from one extreme to other.

To read the full post on Shiva & the famous cycle chain scene, click here.

kangana blog cut

If there is something called Bollywood Bravery Award, hand it to Kangna Ranaut this year. Because not many actors in bollywood would dare to do so. And its more gutsy if its coming from someone like Kangna, who is single, working and without a godfather in the big bad bollywood! We love her! It might be good publicity for her official website/blog , but its still a brave step. Here is the direct link to the blogpost.

Compare it to Amitabh Bachchan’s blog, whose non stop ramblings appear almost everyday. But he has no confessions to make. Just political correctness. Nothing personal to share. Its all oooh-i-love-my-EF’s…extended family… on and on. Whats the point of having a blog if you cant open up and write honestly.  And knowing his track record, we can bet that he will never write on any controversial issue of his life.

The news of Kangna Ranaut’s split with her boyfreind Adhyayan Suman is already out. But to make it official on the blog, it hasnt happened before. We are loving it! Now thats what you call Bold & Beautiful!